It's back and better than ever, no not Lost, but the world famous What's Wrong With The Mainstream end of month playlist. After a rest in December I am back with the playlist that has the best tracks I've found from other blogs, radio and free downloads from bands. They're not always brand new tracks, sometimes they've been out a while and are new to me. That's especially the case this month with lots of people posting their "best of" lists.
First up are three tracks with female lead vocals. Now normally I'm not a fan but there's something in all of these that got me interested, try them for yourself.
Obsessions by Marina & The Diamonds is a quality track for one major reason, Marina's voice, well I'm guessing she's called Marina. Oh and she's quiet cute. It's out on Neon Gold Records on Valentine's day.
MP3: Obsessions - Marina & The Diamonds
Next up is La Roux and if you like a bit of synths then this might be for you. I know Schonberg's a fan of Quicksand by La Roux so you might want to check that out as well.
MP3: Fascination - La Roux
Little Boots are tipped to be hot in 2009 by the BBC's Sound of 2009, some sceptical people may suggest that the only reason bands get in that list is by record companies pushing hyping them up before their music is released. However with acts like Passion Pit on their from a smaller label maybe it is a genuine guide to quality music, hold on, what's that you say, Duffy was on last years list?
This track was given away as single of the week on iTunes.
MP3: Stuck On Repeat - Little Boots
I've not been back from my snowboarding holiday two minutes and so I'm still listening to songs that remind me of the holiday. Glitches N Bugs was introduced to me on holiday and I don't know anything about the band, The Shortwave Set. They have male and female vocals and I think they sound a bit like Belle & Sebastian, folk / indie I guess. Although having just re-read that line it makes them sound pants. Just listen to the track and make your mind for yourself alright?
MP3: Glitches N Bugs - The Shortwave Set
Too Young To Love is a dirty feeling track, a bit Kasabian like and a bit early Black Rebel Motorcycle Club I think. Having listened to their other songs on myspace I think they sound a bit like The Stone Roses / The Charlatans. Woh, that's grouped them with a lot of established artists, not sure the tracks THAT good.
MP3: Too Young To Love - The Big Pink
Falling in the love (On The 126) - SKINT & DEMORALISED
A band that are in to spoken word poetry have adapted their style to make a quality sound. This is a free demo available from their http://www.myspace.com/skintanddemoralised My
Space site. Not unlike The Streets but don't let that put you off. They are touring in February and their debut album is out in March along with their next single.
MP3: Falling in the love (On The 126) - SKINT & DEMORALISED
Dead End - Master Shortie
"She can cook much better than YOU, She looks much better than YOU, she does it much better than YOU". Nuff said.
MP3: Dead End - Master Shortie
If This Head Is Missing I Have Gone Hunting - Get Well Soon
According to Uncut if you're a fan of The National, Arcade Fire and Radiohead you will like this band. I'm not sure about the Radiohead comparison apart from one of his tracks sounds a bit like No Surprises. I've read some reviews my normos and they rightly point to the fact that he sounds like a deeper Jarvis Cocker but I don't think you can really point to it sounding like Pulp. I have just tried getting hold of the album and seem to have drawn a blank, it doesn't seem to be available anywhere in the UK at the moment. I'll have a bit more of an exhaustive look when I've got more time. Great song though.
MP3: If This Head Is Missing I Have Gone Hunting - Get Well Soon
How To Lose Your Bestfriend - Archangel
Please someone put me out of my misery! Who does this song remind me of? The thing is I think it sounds like two bands, the opening is exactly the same as the opening on another track (Foo Fighter, Queens of the Stoneage?) but I can't work out which track or band. When the track gets going it doesn't sound like like either of these bands, sorry to disappoint you, but then sounds like someone else (the oohs in the background definitely remind me of something). Give me a clue someone. Oh and it's a good track in its own right as well.
MP3: How To Lose Your Bestfriend - Archangel
Sorry - Youth Group
So you go and play football (soccer to you guys in America), it goes to extra-time and penalties. You score the winning penalty so it'd be rude not to go to the pub to celebrate, plus you want to see if you get a free pint for man of the match. You stumble home stinking of sweat and booze only to remember you were supposed to have done the washing up and then taking your mrs out for a meal. Whoops! The only way out is to put this song on. As they repeat "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so terribly, terribly sorry" you can sit down and relax. It won't save you from the wrath of your bird but at least it's saved you the effort of trying to say sorry.
Thanks to Music Of The Moment for this track.
MP3: Sorry - Youth Group
Sometime Around Midnight - The Airbourne Toxic Event
A great tip off from my brother-in-law. I think they sound a bit like early U2. I say they very reticently as I'm not a massive fan of U2 but like some of their stuff. I would even go as far to say it is similar to One.
MP3: Sometime Around Midnight - The Airbourne Toxic Event
Lion In A Coma - Animal Collective
Quickly moving on from that big claim I bring you Animal Collective. Seems like I've missed a trick with these guys, I've grabbed a few of their songs and they sound great. I guess you could compare them to Vampire Weekend as on this track it sounds like there's a didgerido. Everyone seems to be blogging about them at the moment so if you like this track have a look around the web...
MP3: Lion In A Coma - Animal Collective
Embrace (feat Ladyhawke) - Pnau
Featured in Your Head's Not Right's Top 20 Tracks of 2008 this track gets under your skin with chorus just going around and around in your head. Another female vocal, maybe I'm coming around to them...
MP3: Embrace (feat Ladyhawke) - Pnau
Grey X Sage (Misty Night) - Theophilus London
I can't work this track out. It's got a high pitch bit in it that is reminiscent of an Akon track but isn't quite "hamster" pitch. Is it cool? Is it cheesy pop? You tell me. There's definitely something of quality there and I keep going back to listen to it again so that's what gets it on this months playlist.
MP3: Grey X Sage (Misty Night) - Theophilus London
The Fear (Christian Vorbau Remix) - Lily Allen
This is the first of a few songs that a got from the great German blog Welike Itindie. Well I thought it was German and they were just good at English until I realised it's We Like It. Indie oops. We'll keep that as our little secret shall we? Anyway this is a remix of Lily Allen's first release off her new album and Ilikeit.
MP3: The Fear (Christian Vorbau Remix) - Lily Allen
Discotexas Theme (Digitalfoxglove remix) - Discotexas
Time for some dance / mainstream pop! You have our German friends from We Like It. Indie to thank for this one too. Ich bin ein dancer as one would use as a chat up line in Germany.
MP3:Discotexas Theme (Digitalfoxglove remix) - Discotexas
Undercover Martyn - Two Door Cinema
Not sure how to describe this band, I don't think they're that disimilar to Born Ruffians. Have a listen and let me know what you think. I've got a few tracks by them and it was hard to decide which one to post as they are all pretty good.
MP3: Undercover Martyn - Two Door Cinema
Somos Libres - Sore
It's always difficult to get in to a band that sing in a foreign language, I guess being English this is something I have to do a lot less than other people in Europe. I tend to make up my own lyrics to Sigur Ros songs but it's not as easy to do with this band. I wish I could remember more about the band and where I got this song from. I remember reading that they had been voted the fourth best band of all time in their own country (or something like that). Anyway cool indie music for you to enjoy.
MP3: Somos Libres - Sore
Lonely Planet - Summer Cats
This song has been kicking around on my iTunes for a little while but hadn't been getting much attention as it wasn't labelled properly. Hopefully I've labelled it correctly and you can enjoy two minutes of what sounds like 6Music fodder to me.
MP3: Lonely Planet - Summer Cats
I Kissed A Girl (Katy Perry cover) - Corin Joel
I thought it'd be good to end the playlist on a cover, in fact I might do that every month from now on, we'll see. Anyway I got this cover from the excellent http://coverlaydown.com/ which is a blog that posts folk cover versions of songs. I'm not sure what the definition of a folk cover is, I would just class this as acoustic but what do I know. Enjoy the bit where Joel sings about the taste of her Cherry Chipstick, surely all Chipsticks are salt and vinegar?